Sanford Votes to Reauthorize FAA


Date: April 27, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Today, Representative Mark Sanford released the following statement after voting to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):

"At a time when temporary band-aids have become the legislative norm, it's a nice change of pace to vote for a longer-term solution with today's five-year FAA reauthorization. Among other things, it will help to provide some stability in federal funding streams, streamline some of the certification processes, update drone standards, and make air traffic control towers more efficient. It also included some pre-disaster mitigation language, which I think it important to us as taxpayers, particularly those of us along the coast subject to storm damage.

"I was also pleased to see the inclusion of the three amendments I offered, which broadly addressed transparency in government spending, duplicative pilot programs, and a more free-market approach to drones and model aircraft. Although I was disappointed that the Air Traffic Control privatization provision was ultimately left out of the bill, this bill was an overall win for the many of us who use air travel."
